Drupal Guide

Drupal is an feature rich Content Management System that many of our web sites are based on. This guide aims to help clients who use this CMS. The features in this guide will not apply to all web site that we build. If you see a feature here that you would like added to your Drupal web site please contact us<.

Drupal Links in Content

Most of the sites that Coda builds using the Drupal CMS use Friendly URL Aliases that are Search Engine Optimized. Friendly URL Aliases are automatically generated from the page Title field and will change whenever the Title field is changed. Since the Friendly URL can change it is important to use a System URL in content so that they will always work even if the page title has changed. Drupal will automatically rewrite the System URL to a Friendly URL in content so the Friendly URL functionality will remain in effect.

Drupal URL Redirects

URL redirects are used when content on your web site is moved from one location to another. If the original URL has been published for a while then visitors and search engines may have bookmarked the page and continue to try to access it at the original URL even though the page has moved to a new URL. This causes a 404 Page Not Found error which is detrimental to site visitor experience and search engine ranking. 

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